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An historical report on Ramsgate Harbour: written by order of, and addressed to the Trustees.
London, 1791

Smeaton's work on Ramsgate Harbour holds a unique place among his reports. Written towards the finish of his successful improvements to this harbour of refuge, it contains a complete history of the harbour from 1749 to 1790.

Smeaton himself was called in during 1773 and his proposal to form a basin and sluices to clear the silt was carried out in modified form and proved to be a great success. He was also responsible for a dry dock and the extension of the east pier head.

The report seems to have been widely circulated, going into a second edition with an extra leaf of text later in the same year.


Small 4to. vi + (ii) + 85 + (1)pp, 2 folding engraved maps, slightly spotted. Contemporary marbled boards, rebacked and with new corners and new ffeps. Near contemporary ownership inscription of Rich.



Catalogue No: 5850